Medical Emergency

No one can afford proper healthcare.

This page will make the case for Single Payer NOT FOR PROFIT healthcare.

Even though the only argument that should be needed is “because the whole point of civilization is to help each other”. We can go a little deeper than that though.

To accomplish that we took the time to look into the problems in American healthcare. Then we took a look at the problems of healthcare around the world. Over the course of these articles we will tell you what we found. While we are doing so we will point out the significant differences and potentially causal relationships that may be worth exploring. We will be discussing the over all cost of healthcare. What people actually pay around the world. We will also give a close look to cost per outcome. Honestly in one form or another I will talk about this ore than any other because I know that if real conservatives realize how much cheaper it will be, its a done deal. We will talk about resultant impacts on society and how high medical costs and unnecessary complications hurt us all.

And I think you are starting to see why this is an introduction and not an article. Before the first is posted the headline is that Single Payer Healthcare is cheaper, more evenly distributed, has better outcomes both as a mean average and overall….and because even with reform it will still have some bureaucracy, the transition from the insurance system should have minimal impact on employment.

Below you will find a host of articles, videos, and other adult information devices to give you the information you need before yelling at your favourite/least favorite politician to get it done. Enjoy.

    The Case for Single-Payer Healthcare: Cutting Through the Chaos of Bureaucracy The most compelling argument for single-payer healthcare lies in its ability to eliminate the inefficiencies and inequities created by a fragmented, multi-insurance system. In countries with
  • Measuring Healthcare Success.
    What is your definition of healthcare success? Long life? Low infant mortality? Coverage Rate? Avg age of population? Number of hospital beds per 1000? It has to be a balance to be fair. So lets look at
  • The Benefits of Single-Payer Healthcare: A Cost-Effective Approach to Health Outcomes
    Lets start with a round look at what is what. The debate over healthcare reform in the United States has intensified as more Americans struggle with rising medical costs. A single-payer healthcare system, in which a single
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